
Role of Moon in Vedic Astrology

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Role of Moon in Vedic Astrology

Role of Moon in Vedic Astrology

Importance of Moon in Vedic Astrology

Facts about Moon

  • Ruler of: Cancer
  • Exalted in: Taurus
  • Debilitated in: Scorpio
  • Nature: Calm & peacefulb
  • Metal: silver
  • Precious stone: Pearl
  • Mahadasha Period: 10 years
  • When positively placed: signifies prosperity & wealth
  • When negatively placed: signifies arrogance & jealous nature
  • Body parts ruled: heart, bodily fluids

Moon is the closest thing to the Earth that can be seen every day. Many scientists are of the view that Moon was once was the part of the sun & broke off due to an asteroid impact some 90 million years ago. this theory is prevalent because both the earth and the moon share the same composition. The moon's atmosphere is very thin & hence as a result footprints can sit undisturbed for centuries on it. The moon's atmosphere does not trap heat and hence temperatures vary significantly. On the sunny side of the moon the temperature can reach 134 degrees Celsius whereas on the darker side the temperature can be around -153 degrees Celsius.

How moon influences the earth?

Bring extremely close to the earth, the moon's gravity creates a pull at the earth causing high and low tides in the water bodies as well as in the atmosphere and the earth's crust.

Moon in Vedic Astrology

Moon is of great significance in Indian Vedic astrology. Moon influences the emotions and feelings of an individual and hence, the placement of the moon in the kundali birth chart is deemed extremely important. For example, the constellation in which the moon is located at the time of the birth of a person is considered to be the birth constellation of the person with which many important facts of his life are associated, such as the name of the person. The letter with which the name of the person should be kept is derived from the moon’s nakshatras. Daily, weekly and monthly predictions are made according to the moon sign of an individual. The zodiac sign in which the moon is located at the time of a person's birth is called that person's moon sign.

In Vedic astrology, when the kundalis are matched for marriage, moon plays a vital role in understanding whether the two individual are compatible or not. According to a belief of Vedic astrology, marriage is a reciprocal combination of two minds and the moon is considered to be the most important for this union as it directly influences the mind.

Apart from this, the negative behavior of an individual is also understood from the position of the moon in the kundali birth chart. In this way, the moon has great importance in many areas of Indian astrology and hence, it is important to understand the position of this planet in the horoscope.Moon represents the feminine side of humans in Vedic astrology. Moon is representative of the mother whereas the sun is representative of the father. Hence, it is the ruler of emotions.

The placement of the moon in the kundali is very important when astrologers try to understand the individual’s personality because the moon directly influences the mind and emotions of the native. When the moon is in the zodiac sign of Taurus, it is exalted and powerful. The moon is also exalted in the cancer zodiac signs which is also the sign of that the moon rules.

When the moon is strong and positive in the kundali, the native is sensitive and soft. The native is also affectionate and empathetic towards others. When the moon is strongly positioned in the kundali birth chart, the native also tend to get hurt easily because the moon makes them sensitive. Nonetheless, they also forget quickly.

By nature, such people are erratic and sensitive and take great care of their loved ones and expect the same from them and in the event of not fulfilling this expectation, they can get hurt. But even after being hurt by their loved ones, such people soon forget everything and re-engage in their normal behavior. Natives with strong influence of the moon have special interest in artistic fields and also achieve success in these areas. The special auspicious effect of the moon in a horoscope can also make the person astrologer, spiritually advanced person and knowledge of paranormal powers.

When the moon is weakly placed or is debilitated in the kundali birth chart then the native is generally very distressed. Such a native is often mentally disturbed subjected to anguish. The moon is most debilitated in the Scorpio zodiac sign and also when the planets Rahu & Ketu highly influences the moon due to their respective positions in the kundali and can adversely affect the mental health of the native. The moon can also make the native insomniac and emotionally unstable.

Result of Moon in the 12 Houses of the Kundali Birth Chart

  • Moon in 1st House: When the moon is in the 1st house of the kundali, then the native is rich, popular, scholarly with good societal status, earn money through business. They also lead a happy life and are healthy and strong.
  • Moon in 2nd House: When the moon is placed in the 2nd house of the kundali, then the native tends to always walk a different path. They are also fortunate, peace loving, lead a good married life, tolerant and generous.
  • Moon in 3rd House: When the moon is placed in the 3rd house of the kundali then such a native is generally of happy disposition, loyal, ascetic and spiritual. They tend to fear God. Native with moon in 3rd house also tends to be artistically inclined towards poetry. They are also courageous, get respect and love from followers and may go abroad for earning.
  • Moon in 4th House: When the moon is placed in the 4th house of the kundali then such a native tends to be fortunate with good married life. They are also humanitarian and do a lot of charity work, and, thus have a big heart. Their personality is graceful and with happy demeanor. They also enjoy lots of fame in society.
  • Moon in 5th House: When the moon is situated in the 5th house of the kundali, then such a person tends to be fickle minded. Such a native also earns good money through their chosen profession. They also earn lot of money through share and betting. These people also tend to be religiously and spiritually inclined with more occult and pagan tendencies.
  • Moon in 6th House: When the moon is placed in the 6th house of the kundali, then the native health always remains dull and they may suffer from diseases. There can also be chances of expenses. These native also enjoy good relationship with their family, conquer all onstacles and are strong and muscular in stature.
  • Moon in 7th House: When moon is placed in the 7th house of the kundali then such a person earns money through business, is willing to work in social service, works with peace and patience but also possess unwavering ego. There can also be chances of delay in marriage. But when they get married they are blessed with good wife.
  • Moon in 8th House: When the moon is placed in the 8th house of the kundali, then the native earns a lot of profit through their business venture, are also of jealous temperament. These people are also very talkative, has weak body but nonetheless have self-respecting nature.
  • Moon in 9th House: When the moon is in the 9th house of the kundali, then the native tends to be very fortunate and full of life. People with moon in 9th house tend to live life full of luxury and happiness. Theirs is the life of prosperity and opulence. Native with moon placement also tends to religiously inclined and enjoy traveling. They are scholarly, daring, an asset for the employer, hardworking, has a beautiful face.
  • Moon in 10th House: When the moon is placed in the 10th house of the kundali, then the native tends to be financially well off, hard working with an orientation towards money. Such a native also gives his family utmost priority over others and fulfill their every wish and demand. Such a native leads long and healthy life with support and love from family and friends.
  • Moon in 11th House: When the moon is placed in the 11th house of the kundali then the person tends to be money oriented. Such a native also earn money from the business. The native with 11th house moon also tends to extremely family oriented. The native has a long life and enjoys support from family and friends.
  • Moon in 12th House: When the moon is in the 12th house in the native’s kundali birth chart, then such a person generally suffers from lung related & eye related diseases. The native with 12th house moon also tends to fickle minded, reclusive and introverted. He/She also carries a good command over communication and is generally very soft spoken. Such a native is also very possessive, religiously and spiritually inclined, courageous, and knowledgeable and might be interstate in occult & pagan activities.
Role of Moon in Vedic Astrology

How Moon Behaves in Various Zodiac Signs?

Moon in Aries Zodiac Sign

Aries : In the horoscope of the native, the planet is benefited from the occupation of the Moon or its business or job in the police and army, and its financial position is strong. Such a person is playful and irritable by nature, female gluttony, itinerant and brave. Such a person is deprived of the happiness of mother and relatives.

Moon in Taurus Zodiac Sign

In the horoscope of the native, the planet related to the presence of the Moon planet in Taurus is going to establish a relationship with many women. Such a person has a large face and there is a mark of garlic etc. on his back or side. Such a person is the beloved of his guru and one who is compatible with spirituality, is a ruler and has a luxury life. Such natives often abandon their immediate siblings and support new relatives. If the moon in the horoscope of the native is weak or low in the Taurus, then the concerned person does not get all the above mentioned fruits. When the Moon is in weak or inferior position in Taurus, the person concerned suffers from many diseases and in such a bad condition of the Moon, such a person may also face imprisonment.

Moon in Gemini Zodiac Sign

In the horoscope of the native, the planet related to the presence of the moon planet Gemini, with wealth, buildings, vehicles and servants, etc., with sharp and unique intelligence, skillful in rituals and highly interested, famous, obedient to parents, enjoyment and He lives full of willfulness. Such a person either becomes a successful ophthalmologist or changes his occupation several times. Such a person is capable of doing both mental and physical work. Such a person gets the happiness of single child and always suffers from hostility.

Moon in Cancer Zodiac Sign

Jataka Yashswi, obedient and dear to parents and gurus, husband of a devoted woman, extremely tender and affectionate to many women, highly sensitive, religious and religious, related to the presence of the moon planet Cancer in the horoscope of the native Ritual in virtuous deeds, one with superior intelligence, suffering from mental depression, Davadol is economical, eminent astrologer, interested in music, painting and spirituality.

Moon in Leo Zodiac Sign

Jataka by nature related to being present in the moon planet Leo zodiac in the horoscope, cheerful, mighty, lord of stable and superior intellect, Dhiru, serious, excessive and everlasting anger, rich in wealth, prosperous, truthful utterances , Is more interested in visiting forest and hill sites and in the art of music, happier couple is going to enjoy life and has ideological differences with wife.

Moon in Libra Zodiac Sign

The native is interested in social work related to the presence of the moon planet Libra in the horoscope of the native, a believer in God, a rich, beneficent on others, interested in art and objects collection, a female avarice and two wives. One who is a yogi is obedient to parents and gurus. Such a person is humiliated due to the association of lobhavash or wicked people. Such a person depends on others for every task. Due to the expenses of such a person being more than income, there is always a shortage of money.

Moon in Virgo Zodiac Sign

In the horoscope of the native, the planet related to being present in the moon planet Leo zodiac is beautiful and charming like women, but its arms and shoulders are somewhat bent. Such a person is truthful, proficient in enjoyment and work, lord of superior intellect, knowledge of scriptures and religious. Such a native enjoys a happy marriage, but his wife is a bitter speaker. Such a person has fewer sons and more number of daughters. Such a person consumes another's name and wealth in a good way and receives unlimited support and love from friends and family.

Moon in Scorpio Zodiac Sign

In the horoscope of the native, the Jatak related to the presence of the lunar planet Scorpio in the zodiac, jealousy, narcotics, disbeliever, atheist, greedy, female gluttony and the sum of two wives, devoid of brothers, hatred and hatred of the kin. One who has the feeling of being a businessman, is going to suffer loss in business etc. and is going to face imprisonment due to any misconduct.

Moon in Sagittarius Zodiac Sign

In the horoscope of the native, the planet related to the presence of the moon planet in Sagittarius is of a clear, clean character and a beautiful personality. The childhood of such a person is full of happiness and splendor. Such a person is a good speaker, craftsman, astrologer, full of godly devotion, scholar, calm nature, illuminating his clan, sacrificing his supreme love in love and always defeating enemies. Such a person is a woman with a lust and the sum of two wives.

Moon in Capricorn Zodiac Sign

Jataka Yashasvi related to being present in the moon planet Capricorn in the birth chart of the native, loves his family and relatives, speaks truthful words, has a sharp memory, is furious, is interested in poetry, charity, performing virtuous deeds. And one who is obsessed with secret concerns. Such a person suffers the brunt of humiliation and despair due to insignificant greed and such a person is married to a woman older than that.

Moon in Aquarius Zodiac Sign

In the birth chart of the native, there are ideological differences with the wife of the person related to the existence of the moon planet Aquarius, and not only that but also the movement of the woman. The body of such a person is weak and is very lazy and drunk. Such a person associates wicked and inferior people, due to which he has to suffer. If any auspicious planet is seen on the Moon of Aquarius, then the person concerned is skilled in his work, defeating enemies, confectionary lover, stroller and kind-hearted. The fate of such a person happens after completing the age of thirty years and is also interested in politics.

Moon in Pisces Zodiac Sign

Penetrating the Jataka scriptures related to the presence of the lunar planet Pisces in the horoscope of the native, having a religious temper, a clean and happy heart, a craftsman, but a female figure, a person who consumes intoxicants, who admires his family or lineage , Having fortunate sons, skillful in speech style, defeating enemies, having friendly friends, spending money with great care and weight and having great interest in music, art, writing literature etc.

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